FUCK! Why, oh why, can't we close out basketball games? Either in regulation or in Over Time we always find a way to fuck it all up. I was listening to today's game in the car while I was out with my old man and hearing that we pissed another lead away was some infuriating stuff. Sam Mitchell will most probably get fired after this season if Mr. Colangelo thinks that he can rebuild the team with a high drafting position, a new head coach, lots of practice/training/conditioning and the prayers of millions of Torontonians and Canadians.

Although I certainly respect his ability as a basketballer,
I hate Vince Carter's guts! I'm sorry to say this for Net fans, but I hope that N.J. does not win a playoff game as long as they have Carter on their squad. If The Nets get rid of Carter and they win The Championship the next year, I will be proud for Jason Kidd, Jefferson and the rest of the classy N.J. squad. Carter belongs on a team like The Knicks along with that idiot Steve Francis and Stephan Marburry.

Point Totals:

Morris Peterson - 25 P, 3 A, 5 R

Chris Bosh - 23 P, 1 B, 4 A, 11 R

Mike James 22 P, 1 S, 7 A, 3 R

Charlie "R.O.Y." Villanueva - 14 P, 3 A, 11 R

Matt "The Red Rocket" Bonner - 14 P, 1 B, 1 S, 5 R

The team played well today, but hopefully we can play well enough for a win tmmw. against The Boston Celtics.