Sorry Gina. I know you must really be down in the dumps today. You have no reason to feel dejected or blue. Your team was one of the last two standing out of the entire league. That's something to be proud of. The Astros are still The National league champs for 2005. And that's some no one can take away from them. Ever.

I'm listening to Mike 'N Mike this morning, and they have some interesting details of the angst of The White Sox. DB would certainly have more details then this. I didn't know that the owners of The Cubs also owned The Chicago Tribune. The White Sox have really been made to feel like the step child in Chicago all this time. In that aspect, you have to feel great for The White Sox fans. Now their story can get moved from the back page.

One funny thing they commented on was the fact that the foul ball that was caught should have been attempted to be deflected by The Astros fans. It was in the seats, so fan interference would not have been an issue. They said one person they're sure that would have attempted to catch it would have been Barbara Bush.

Now that the curses of The Red Sox and The White Sox have been lifted is it only time before DB's Cubbies, the last of the loveable losers, get their due? :p

How about a little less questions and a lot more shut the hell up - Brian Griffin

When there's a will...put me in it.