Geoff, it's very possible that it's all planned out just for the big money (a friend even claims that the mafia is in on our series... ), but I just can't let myself believe that. I guess I just want to remain naive and ignore the possible tainting of baseball, and I know I'm being stubborn, but baseball is the only thing I truly love and enjoy, and to think that all these guys play for, and all that I watch, cheer, support, and live for, is fake, is just depressing. I can't even imagine that to be true, so I'd rather believe it's not.

Irish, sometimes it's just unbelievable how incredibly rude you can be. I remember you talking about how much you've "been through" this past season and how you deserve to rub things in the faces of fans who have done the same to you. Sounds silly to run off into a GF quote, but what have I done to make you treat me so disrespectfully? Honestly. I know I'll never change your hatred for the Astros...I know you'll always go for any team that we're playing...but it's like you've just gone out of your way to root against my team and make them look bad. Talk about what someone's "gone through," and the first post I see after last night's game is what you wrote about Pujols? I can't stop you from saying what you want to say, but in my eyes, it's as if you're just continuing the circle of "revenge."

As a general sports post, last night's game truly was the most depressing of the season - we were one out (at one point, even one strike) away from making history, and we couldn't do it. I have to give credit to Pujols. Really, there's no reason not to, but I just want to say that he is just amazing, and he definitely deserves all the recognition he gets. The time between the end of the game last night until the start of the game tomorrow has gone and will go so slow. Today was pretty depressing at school - I talked with the friends who understood, and we just went through the "what if's" and "shoulda/coulda's," and those who don't give a flip about baseball were sure to add their two cents about the team and Pujols. However, I'm looking forward to tomorrow's game. We're still in a good position, and I won't lose the faith until they make the very last out of the season. Praying and cheering, as always.