Quite an ending to the Sox-Angels game. Since it's already quite controversial, I figured I'd add my two cents, if for no other reason than to end all this talk about those playoff failures, the Yanks. :p

I just watched the press conference that the umps held and they are sticking to their call even after the replay because they saw change of direction in the path of the ball. I can't argue that, but I will argue that the change of direction wasn't caused by the ground, but by the webbing of catcher Josh Paul's mitt. To me, he clearly caught the ball, so everything that happens after that is moot. Of course they're going to defend their call though. They can't exactly come out and say that they blew the game. Also, the home plate umpire signaled what appeared to be the universal sign for "out." This is also the sign for strike three, which the pitch was. I think the umpire handled everything after the alleged trap properly. He made his sign for strike three, which he is supposed to still do, even if he believes the ball was trapped. Whether there needs to be a universal sign for strike three that differs from out is something Major League Baseball will have to address in the offseason.

The problem I have with the umpires trap call, is that by ruling in such a manner, the umpire is in effect stating that he witnessed the ball bounce off the dirt, therefore the catcher has to throw down to first for the out. During the press conference, the home plate umpire flat out said, "I thought the ball hit the dirt." If the pitch is low and the catcher comes up with it cleanly, all indications are that he caught the pitch in flight. The only way an umpire can rule otherwise is if he sees the ball hit the dirt. If the umpire didn't see the ball hit the dirt, than how can he call it a trap? Even Pierzynski took one step to walk away before he took off for first. Now if Josh Paul would have just tagged the batter right away, none of this would matter, but if you are a catcher and you catch strike three(which replay showed he did), the umpire makes a sign that, whether it was intended to or not, signals out, why would you feel the need to tag the runner?

I guess I'm just glad I'm not an Angels or White Sox fan. Otherwise I would be way too worked up to get any sleep tonight.

There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of creatures Chuck Norris has allowed to live.