Even more incentive for Chicago to beat boston ASAP!

Ramirez eyes new agent for possible trade

"Red Sox left fielder Manny Ramirez is seeking a new agent, possibly with the intent of orchestrating a trade out of Boston, FOXSports.com has learned.

Ramirez, represented by Greg Genske, already is contacting other agents, according to industry sources. He is expected to accelerate the process once the Red Sox's season is over.

The front-runners to represent Ramirez are expected to be Scott Boras, who helped arrange outfielder Gary Sheffield's trade from the Dodgers to the Braves after the 2001 season, and SFX, the firm that represents Red Sox designated hitter David Ortiz.

Ramirez, 33, will gain full no-trade protection at the end of the season as a player with 10 years of major-league service, five with the same club. That protection effectively would give him the right to choose his next team.

The Red Sox tried to trade Ramirez to the Mets at the July 31 non-waiver deadline. They are expected to resume their efforts this off-season, and a quick elimination from the playoffs could give them further impetus to make dramatic changes. The Red Sox trail the White Sox two games to none in the best-of-five division series.

Ramirez is guaranteed a total of $57 million over the next three seasons, and his contract includes $20 million club options for both 2009 and 2010. His new agent would not receive commission on his current deal, but would be in position to negotiate Ramirez's next contract.

Ramirez would be a free agent at 36 if his team declined to keep him past '08 and at 38 if his team exercised both his options."