oh ok I see now.

I think you have to go more in depth than 3,2,1 points respectively because you have to take into account how many players like you said.

I won fantasy bass fishing, but it was against JG and BE, so somehow points would have to be deducted from me or somehow adjusted to say that I only beat 2 people.

Look at the horse racing, with only 3 people playing then everyone would be guaranteed a point.

(yeah I just sorta said what you said lol)

Here is my idea: what if we set a limit to the number of "payouts" say 6.

So 1st-6,2nd-5 etc.. and then multiplied that number times the number of players playing (would have to figure in tier numbers somehow as well) but so that if I win horse racing I'd get 18points and if you win Baseball you'd get 60.

"You gave your word, I never gave mine"