If you're a DVD nut like me, you are familiar with what WB did with their Matrix DVD. Although the original was already packed, they released another disc with even more special features to add to what was on the original disc and they called it "The Matrix Reloaded".

If Paramount was to do the same with the GF Trilogy, what additional features would you like to see on the DVD?

I would like to see commentaries by the actors (Brando, Pacino, DeNiro, Duvall, Keaton, Caan, Shire, et al), in addition to the one by FFC. I also really enjoyed the Academy Award footage they had on the original extras disc, and I would like to see more of that, especially for Brando's Best Actor award that he sent that "Indian" girl to accept for him.

I'd also like a newer featurette about the trilogy, since the one that they included was an old one that was apparently filmed right as part III was coming out.

I know that there are many more deleted scenes, so I'd like those put in, and I would like an interactive "family tree" of the Corleone crime family similar to the one they had during the senate hearings in part II.