Originally posted by Don Sicilia:
OK, OK - Gina, you got me, I'm in between teams right now. All the Sammy Sosa and bad ownership stuff left me with a bad taste for the Scrubs. I'll still root for them since I live 10 minutes walking distance from Wrigley, but not as strongly as I once did.

But I still won't root for the Cards.
CS, I don't intend this as a jab at the team (for once!), but I understand why you feel the way you do about the Scrubs organization.

Not that I have any desire whatsoever to see you rooting for the Cards...I have to ask why you won't? If Pujols is the reason, then I understand completely. The name alone is enough for me to know.

And, as evil as I am, I'm going to take this opportunity to pounce.

Why not become a Lastros fan?


As biased as I might be, I'd "recommend" them to anybody. They're willing to put money into the club to get something out of it, but they're also often considered an underdog team, which are always fun to root for. You call it inefficiency (I'm brainwashed with Economics thoughts) - I call it a loveable team. Lance Berkman is a one-man show. Craig Biggio's going for 3,000 hits next season. Willy Taveras (regardless of the obvious perks) is King of the Hill out in center and continues to amaze with his speed. Pitching - though somewhat uncertain for exactly who's coming back - is definite to include Roy Oswalt, and that man is pure magic. That's why they call him the Wizard. Ausmus, besides being a "total hottie," is a great talent behind the plate. They're a good group of guys and a fun team to cheer for.

I hope this isn't my mind playing tricks on me in the excitement of my spiel, but I seem to remember you saying that you have family in Houston. Now be honest...am I right?
