Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
[quote]DMC- you know Im just kiddin with ya, you're one of the best posters in this forum (and NO I dont want to be in your sig [Big Grin] )
I gotta take lessons from you on sucking up [/quote]Im trying to show a lil bit o sportsmanship but you insist on playin games.

No wonder Gina had you and still needed another Willy :p

Now, if you'll excuse me, the boat is waiting.

Youre a good kid DMC. (are you learning yet?)

Gina- I love your posts but I love the person who writes them even more (pay attention DMC- lesson no.2)

(BTW- ignore my comments to DMC, I meant every word Gina

(no.3, DMC)

OK! enough! I did mean it Gina!

Mig- I'll try to hurry back and I'll miss you too, you're all heart!

"Come out and take it, you dirty, yellow-bellied rat, or I'll give it to you through the door!"

- James Cagney in "Taxi!" (1932)