You guys are too funny... I miss these days when we'd all be online at once.

I went to tonight's game... wow, how PACKED was Dodger Stadium? They did that "Guess the Attendance" thing and if I remember correctly, it was 56,216. And so loud, it sounded more like a million. Really fun game though, at least until the 6th inning, when it went downhill. They should have never put Tomko in, that guy should find another job. They should have gone straight to Saito.

Some hot Mets fans were sitting behind me... and I came to a conclusion. You can root for the other team if you're sexy. It's still not good, but it's not as annoying.

Anyway, so all our teams are out, huh? Boooo.

But not a minute too soon... because the Lakers preseason starts on Tuesday, and I need to start mentally preparing. (As if I haven't been ready since June! :p )