Right now, the Cardinals' magic number (our elimination number) is down to one, which means that any Cardinals win or Astros loss puts us out of it.

So yes, if we lose today, we're out...but even if we win, they can put us out of it with a win of their own.

The situation that all Astros fans want, is a win for us and a loss for the Cards...

...which will put us 1/2 game behind them in the division, forcing them to play that makeup game in San Francisco. If they win that (putting them 1 game ahead of us), they get the division - if they lose it (tying them with us), we play them in a 1-game playoff.

So basically, we've got to have all the stars aligned for this to work. (But it's still possible!!!)

Last night's game felt like we were dead men walking, but they stuck it out and got the win. If anything, I'm proud of them for that, and I hope we can get the win today, too. We can't control the rest, so I'm leaving it up to the baseball gods. Go Brewers!