Okay...after writing a detailed post regarding the possibilities between my Astros and the Cards in the fight for the division, I went on MLB.com to see this headline:

"Cards' magic number down to one"

I thought, "That's impossible," knowing good and well our elimination number was two after last night. I couldn't imagine MLB being wrong, but I had to figure this out. I clicked on the article, and read a description of a Cardinals' win that sounded nothing similar to what happened last night. I finally realized (with great horror) that they'd already played and won an afternoon game today. I had no idea about it - I hadn't checked MLB's site since yesterday (not really wanting to, anyway), but I could've sworn they were supposed to play this evening. Arghhhhhh...

I'll post what I'd originally written, since it's still relevant, but basically, any Cardinal win or Astro loss puts us out of it, now.

I just wish I'd been more prepared for this blow to our chances...but I still BELIEVE.


Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:
Gina, All your beautiful photos are gone!! NO!!
I know!!! It's all Geoff's fault!

Beth, thanks for the support of my boys - I still can't believe the run they've made. Of course, it took a huge choke on St. Louis' part to put us this close, but I'm so proud of the Astros for not giving up. We were once 8 1/2 out of first, but the Cards going 1-8 and us going 9-0 made us a mere 1/2 game out!

Last night was tough, though.

Well, do they still have 3 games to play? Tell us, StatWoman, is it still mathematically possible for them to win?
We only have today and tomorrow left in the regular season. The Cards have the same, as well as a make-up game with the Giants on Monday - which they will play only if necessary to determine the playoff spot.

Though our chances were hurt quite a bit by last night's loss and the Cardinals' win, StatWoman says it's still mathematically possible! I could give you my explanation, but I'm afraid I'd be the only one able to understand it ( ), so I'll quote the Houston Chronicle instead:

If the Cardinals go...

2-0 -> Astros are eliminated.

1-1 -> Astros must go 2-0 to force St. Louis to play a makeup game against Giants.  
A loss to the Giants forces a playoff.  Victory over Giants gives Cardinals title.

0-2 -> Astros win division with two wins over Braves and Cards loss to Giants.
As it's been all along, it's still in the Cardinals' hands. All we can do, and what we have to do, is win our last two. The rest will depend on what St. Louis does. That make-up game is what's kept our games-behind number in 1/2 increments. Our best situation is to force them to play that, either with them going 1-1 or 0-2. The worst thing will be if, no matter what we do, they win both.

SB, congrats to your boys on winning HFA! That definitely is worth something in NY!

Pray for my boys tonight, gals!