Fame you are so sweet
Maybe Im a small-time-chocolate but you're the grand-apple-pie sis!

So glad to hear you're all fine. A puppy! You sure in for a lot of fun. Got a couple myself. Not puppies anymore tho. I've had Hawk for a while, but I was out at work all day and it was kinda boring for him to wait around all day...I hated to leave him alone so I got him a lady....Tigra. Now I know that while Im at work they keep each other company. Actaully they love each other so much that when I come home they say their hellos and go back to each other. Not that Im jealous, of course. Ahem. Me? Jealous? no way!

And how are you, Fame?
Same ol', same ol'. Still working as deliveryman...2 jobs and hardly pay the rent, but I'll survive
Just got back from my daily run, so I feel a lil extra good. Added another mile today, so now I run 8 miles. I still feel like I can run some more at the end, but I really need to stop there, 8 miles is enough for a daily basis, I think I'll stick to that.
Hows it going with tennis, Zia?...been a LONG time since we talked, shame on us!

Fame, I just have to say - I love your posts. Each one is so interesting and such a joy to read, and you're so nice to talk with.

Thank you so much for the kind words. The feeling is mutual.
-Good luck with school! Are you finishing this year?
-Whats your fav track from the original film?

I also enjoyed Angels and Demons by Dan Brown. I've been to Rome several times, so it was sort of neat to read about places I've been.

Sicilian Jeter...erm, I meant Derek Babe...ARRGH...I'll just stick to SB :

I'm adding A&D to my "to-read" list

Have you been to Paris -- the Louvre?

"Come out and take it, you dirty, yellow-bellied rat, or I'll give it to you through the door!"

- James Cagney in "Taxi!" (1932)