Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:
I have two favorite original TZ episodes. The first is the woman undergoing surgery to correct her "ugliness", and in the end we find out why (don't want to give that twist away!).

The other has a bespectacled Burgess Meredith who just wants to spend all his time reading. He gets his wish at the end, but he can't quite make it come true.
I bought the Season 2 set of "The Twilight Zone" a few months ago and both of these episodes are included in it. The best episode, though (IMO), is one in which Agnes Moorehead plays an old woman living alone in the country and her home is invaded by tiny spacemen from a flying saucer. It chronicles how she fights to defend herself. PURE TWILIGHT ZONE!!

I remember watching these episodes when they were first run back in 1961. Here, now, some 45 years later they still hold up well. "TZ" was the best anthology series ever on tv!
