Zia, they gave the attendance for that night at the game, and I think it was around 45,000 (Edit: Make that around 43,000...don't know what I was thinking) - they announced that it was the most ever for Minute Maid. My mom was just telling me that our old stadium, The Astrodome, used to hold a lot more, though. Drayton, our owner, was probably wishing he had a couple more seats to sell for that game!

Glad I'm not the only one laughing at what's probably a typical workout routine for a player... I felt embarassed, taking videos and pics of the guys when they could easily see I was doing so, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity.

SB, you're right - I'm really thankful that I'm able to see them play. And because I have the chance, it's my job to provide my good friends here with nice shots of...the game. And the guys in tight uniforms.

Though I love the stadium atmosphere, watching at home can be just as nice when you consider replays and better shots of what's going on...I was missing that last night. Truly, I enjoy the "cheap seats" way up high (where I usually sit) more than any of the "good seats" that I get (only when they're given!), because you get a complete view, and I think you can find more true fans up there, compared to the "social fans" you find in the nicer sections.