Speaking of floods... actually nothing to do with them, just wanted to tie it in. Anyway, I was asked to provide a little more World Cup eye candy. Ask and you shall receive.

From Argentina, this is Roberto Ayala. I like him because he's ALWAYS pissed when he's on the field. Every time they show a close up of him, he's yelling at someone. It's hilarious.


From Italy, here's Alessandro Del Piero. All-around adorable. He's got a short haircut now, almost bald. Still cute though.


Also from Italy, this is Luca Toni. Not only hot, but also really tall, 6'4" and a half.

Again Italian (what can I say, they're hot!), here's Alessandro Nesta, who IMHO should get a haircut... just a little bit, not too short.

Here's Rafael van der Vaart from the Netherlands, who usually looks better than he does in this picture:

And that's all for now. There are so many of them, but I think that's all the pictures I can fit in one post. Enjoy and let me know what you guys think!