SB, hope things start to look up for you. I'm with you on the baseball stuff, at least - check out some recent scores for the Astros. No, Zia, I'm not much into the rap scene, but I feel quite special to know that I have my own song that reminds you of me.

I thought you were going to mention this other song (can't remember the name - something about "shine on"), because it's about the Astros. It's probably just something popular in Houston, but I can remember all these people at school were telling me about it and asking me if I'd heard it...I was clueless, of course, but it was cool to know that there's a baseball rap song out there.

Ugh, I didn't have a chance to report on "Bonds Night" last night. I did end up going to the game, as planned - it was a sorry, pitiful, depressing loss. Also, it was the only night that I even slightly wanted Bonds to hit 714, because my cousin, two friends, and I all were hoping to catch it...that didn't happen, obviously. We still had a great time, though - we booed Bonds, held up posters, and at the end (when Barry was out and a win was quite improbable), we begin to cheer for a comeback of 9 runs and "extra innings!" and so on...half the crowd was gone, so we just enjoyed ourselves. It was a pretty bad game, but the company made up for it.

Something else I wanted to mention - tonight, at my band's spring concert, one of our directors was on stage announcing someone's name. Well, his name is Manuel, and everyone calls him Manny - when the director said his name, he said, "Manny Ramirez." And I know he wouldn't have done that on purpose...he apologized, laughed, and corrected himself, but I was cracking up.