My Lakers have ended their playoff run, but at least they dragged it to Game 7. I don't know where the guys from Games 2, 3, and 4 went during the last 3 games, it's like a whole different team was playing towards the end. My theory is that the sexual assault accusations against Kwame Brown threw the whole team off... I'm thinking after everything they went through standing by Kobe through the rape charges, they probably were stressed out, hoping this won't be the same thing, Part II. Because it's right when that became public that they kind of fell apart.

Anyway, I'm not as disappointed as I thought I would be. Being a fan is not about what is accomplished during one season, it's about a process, you know? And seeing how much they've improved as a team from last year to this year; actually even from this past November until now... it's really remarkable. For someone who's been there all season long, I look back and I'm happy just seeing that. It was a pretty historic season, with Kobe breaking records like no tomorrow. Being a Laker fan my whole life, I know this roller coaster is what they do best... ups and downs, you know? From the Kareem and Magic days, down to the "bleh" days of the mid-nineties, then back up to the peak of the Shaq and Kobe days, then back down... I think we're at the start of another "up" right now.

We have one of the youngest (if not THE youngest) teams in the NBA; which leaves so much room for improvement. Sasha, Smush, etc... just seeing how they played back in November and then seeing how they did during the playoffs-- they've come such a long way. With some good offseason moves now, next season can be really great. Like if we could get rid Brian Cook and Devean George and get just one good veteran player, I think we'd be perfect.

Anyway, thanks for bearing with me and my Laker posts throughout this season, girls! Now it's time to put those Dodgers season tickets to good use.