Glad you enjoyed that, Gi.

Man, how fun... I just got back from like 5 hours of L.A. sports. First and foremost (of course) I went to the Laker game against Port, which we totally won. It was GREAT. I went to that with just my bf, because my cousin "had" to go to the Dodger game... he was like "Naw dude, we're playing the Giants. I have to be there to boo Bonds." True, it's an important task. Someone's gotta do it.

So the Laker game is pretty much over, and my cousin calls my cell at like ten o'clock and says, "Come to the Dodger game, it just started, I'll meet you outside with the tickets." Apparently they wanted to wait for the rain to stop (two California teams can't play in a little drizzle, are you kidding?! :p ) so the game started fockin' TWO HOURS late. I'm surprised they played at all, that late; but hey, at least it worked out for me to go to both games. Unfortunately the Dodgers lost 2-1, but whatev, it seemed like they were all just playing fast to just go home, because it was so late.

So I finally got into baseball for a couple of hours tonight, you know how I wasn't really into it yet? Well I'm still not completely into it until basketball is over, but at least I got a taste of what summer's gonna be like, and I remembered that there actually is excitement in baseball. I had forgotten.