All of those scenes are great. The sad thing is the show was always full of funny anetodotes, not with the serious tone of Leo's death I'm afraid it won't be anymore.

Yesterday's show that I mentioned was chock full of funny scenes. Where they're all in Bartlett's room after Leo wakes him up, and Bartlett says "You know what I really want more then anything?" Then Josh walks in and Bartlett says, "Josh walking in isnt even remotely close". And when that Senator, (or whoever he was) tells Sam his boss is ready to set fire to the building (not literally), Sam says, "Well your boss will be in jail because I'm pretty sure that's illegal". Even The West Wing has to have Godfather sayings. When Josh is comparing his, Toby and Sam's plot with Michael Corleone plotting Sollozzo's murder.

Josh: I'm James Caan, Sam you're Al Pacino. Toby you're the guy who teaches Al Pacino how to make tomato sauce". It's all funny. I guess we'll have our DVD copies to remind us of the good old days.

How about a little less questions and a lot more shut the hell up - Brian Griffin

When there's a will...put me in it.