Hey, Beth - Next Sunday is Easter!! I'm going to be at my brother's house for dinner!! Thank GOD I got the DVR box.

Anyway, I checked the recap for the Presidential Library scene and here it is: >>We see a distinguished, white-haired gentlemen walking (with the aid of a cane) through an empty but utterly gorgeous library reading room. Another subtitle informs us that we're at the "Dedication to the Josiah Bartlet Presidential Library." Wait, "dedication to?" Doesn't anyone edit these things? The white-haired gentleman is Jed, by the way. He's followed in Bill Clinton's footsteps and lost the Just for Men look he's been sporting in the last couple of seasons. I had thought that Jed was planning on installing his library in an abandoned mill building, but the ornate ceiling in that reading room doesn't look like it was ever part of a factory. And then Jed walks up to some of the old gang. We see Danny (standing with his hand on C.J.'s back), C.J., Toby, Kate, Charlie, and Will. Not only have clothing styles not changed, but every character (other than Jed) has exactly the same hairstyle as in the present. C.J. greets Jed with a kiss on the cheek, and we learn that she's living in Santa Monica. Jed looks at C.J. and Danny and tells them that Abby wants a picture of the baby. Danny points out that he emailed one, but Jed wants one that he can stick on the refrigerator. Jed greets Toby, who thanks Jed for the invitation. Toby is apparently teaching at Columbia University. Or running drugs in Colombia. Or maybe he's playing forward for the Fighting Gamecocks at the University of South Carolina (in Columbia, natch). Any of those could be true from the context. Jed has read Kate's recently published book, but Charlie dismisses the book as a load of hogwash. Charlie also congratulates Jed on something he recently did in Jakarta. And Will is now a member of Congress. And that's the wrap-up on "Where are they now." And then Josh walks up to let everyone know that "the President" has arrived.

Outside the library, the presidential motorcade pulls up. Jed and company emerge to greet the unnamed leader of the free world. The President steps out of his limo, but before we can see anything, we cut to credits.<<

Actually, it sort of makes sense for Leo NOT to be there if they planned on having Santos win. The VP and POTUS wouldn't make a joint appearance, would they???

President Emeritus of the Neal Pulcawer Fan Club