I posted this in the FB thread, but I thought I'd post it here too, since we've got some psychotic sports fanatics here as well. You ladies know who you are.

Some of you may know I'm a big fan of Flea's blogs for the Lakers. Here's his latest and greatest. I just wanted to share it because it so describes me (and probably the rest of you) perfectly, although I think Flea and I might be the same person. I've never seen us in the same room at the same time...

He hasn't been to the PL school of grammar though, so bear with it. It's all a jumbled mess on the site itself, so I actually fixed the line spacing here to make it easier to read. My apologies to the "creative flea" who prefers to write like e e cummings. :p


The Many Faces of Flea, the Fan
Root unto others as they would root for you

well as the basketball season rolls along
and the lakers basketball play waxes and wanes
i go through a variety of emotional states as anyone who reads my blog
can clearly see

there is the mature flea (rarely) who sees it all as a growing experience and appreciates the struggle and the great talent around the nba

there is the angry frustrated flea who needlessly takes players to task for having bad games and who is impatient and a finger pointer

that same angry flea who gets mad at lamar or devean or smush or kwame for having a bad game who couldn't do a darn thing on the court himself except in his recurring dream where they call him in from the stands and he dons the purple and gold and comes in to save the day

that same frustrated guy who thinks he knows what he is talking about from the safety of his living room couch or comfy season ticket seat that he is so proud of

the guy who complains about substitution patterns but like most basketball fans only sees the obvious things like a big rebound or who is scoring points or making flashy assists
and yet questions the decision making of someone who has dedicated their life to understanding the minute of details and biggest picture of what makes a basketball team play well and spends day after day with the players in practice....

the optimistic flea (my favorite) who is positive the lakers are about to go on a ten game winning streak and have a good chance of winning it all this year

who can feel the momentum building and see the team making a profound breakthrough into greatness

who knows they can match up against anyone in the nba when they are on, and they are on baby!

the regular flea who just loves the lakers, knows they have been a touchstone for sanity in his life for many years and appreciates his long relationship with them

the guy who really loves the players and wants the best for all of them

then there is the crazy neurotic flea (my least favorite of all) who thinks that the lakers play actually affects his life when superstition takes over and if the lakers are winning his life is going swimmingly
but if they are losing he is certain of impending doom at every turn

and the slightly crazy inoffensive type of crazy flea who listens to the tv with the sound off or on depending on which might be good luck

and who puts his magic johnson shoe in front of the tv and his chick hearn bobblehead for good luck

who has his current lakers bobbleheads up front but makes derek fisher and rick fox stay way in the back and put his shaquille o'neal bobblehead in the corner facing the wall like the kids at the end of the blair witch project

basically i have been pretty wrapped up in this lakers thing for some

and they are a shoe in to win the championship this year

if smush could just make his freethrows
Isn't that brilliant? I'm sure all of us could relate to it, in our own respective teams. I was cracking up because it has me down to every detail, the only thing that doesn't apply to me is that I don't have a Magic Johnson shoe. But everything else, from the multiple personalities, to the season tickets, to the collection of bobbleheads that they give out at games, etc, all of it is exactly me. Except I put all that free crap in a box; it doesn't exactly match my house. :p But I do keep it.

As we were walking out of the Staples Center today, I was ecstatic as usual about our win, and I was talking about Sasha Vujacic, and my boyfriend was like, "Do you love me as much as you love the Lakers? I don't think so most of the time." Screw him, he doesn't love me as much as he loves the Lakers, either. I don't feel bad.