SB, it's truly up to you (though we'll be badgering you about it until you join... :p ), but let me just tell you that I really do think you would do fine.

I joined about 1/4 the way through the season last year simply by making a comment to Plaw about Roger Clemens in their thread. The rest was history. BBC is quite an easy game to learn (especially compared to their Yahoo draft game, which, in my opinion, seems a lot more complicated), and we'll all help you if you have any questions. You could do like I did, and just spend the first half learning the ropes - then, after the All-Star break, you can show your stuff. I'm setting up a group for school friends this season, and I'll be helping a lot of them out since most aren't familiar with the game, so I'd be more than happy to help you with what I know, as well. You might even inspire Plaw to gain back his interest in the game if he sees he's got a new rookie to teach.

If it's a time issue, as for why you don't want to join, I understand. But don't let intimidation stop you, because I know you would have a great time. Think it over!

CS...shame on you! How can you possibly desert the game that is responsible for your nickname?! I don't know if I can even call you CS anymore... :p If you're doing Yahoo, you can certainly manage BBC.