With this talk of Pedro's toe gave me a flashback to the Bill Murray movie, "Stripes".

"I'm gonna volunteer my leadership to this platoon.

An Army without leaders is like a foot...
...without a big toe.

And Sergeant Hulka isn't always gonna be there to be that big toe for us.

I think that we owe a big round of applause to our newest, bestest buddy and big toe, Sergeant Hulka.

Well, okay, hotshot. We're gonna see what kind
of soldier you are. Revelle is 0500. We're gonna fall out
with locker boxes and we're gonna have a locker- box inspection.

And then we're gonna do 6 miles, rain or shine. So you better hit them bunks, my little babies or Sergeant Hulka with the big toe is gonna see how far he can stick it up your ass.

How about a little less questions and a lot more shut the hell up - Brian Griffin

When there's a will...put me in it.