I admit I've barely watched 10 minutes of The Olympics. I have the feeling that has been stated on The Mike and Mike show. They seem to be showcasing the "stars", Michelle Kwan, Bode Miller and such. The Olympics is supposed to be about the average American playing for the love of their country. Was all the euphoria surrounding The Americans beating The Russians in hockey because they were all All Star players? No, it was because they were the underdog who were supposed to be no match for them. That feeling seems to have degenerated lately.

With that said, I agree with SB. What the hell is curling? It is silly for announcers to get all excited about a sport you hear nothing about but every 4 years. Do colleges actually have curling as a sport? Maybe they do. What's next? Extreme sweep offs? (She cleaned up that pile of dust mites in 3.3 seconds. A new world

How about a little less questions and a lot more shut the hell up - Brian Griffin

When there's a will...put me in it.