Mig-- I think he's like 22 or 23... he doesn't look that young if you see him in action; just in pictures. That picture in particular. I've posted another one before where he hasn't shaved in a while, and he looks older in that one. I'll look for it now. There aren't too many good pictures of him out there yet though, if you do a Google search, they show like the same 3 bad pictures repeated a few times.

SB-- of course you're invited... jailbird and SB go hand in hand! However, with this many people joining in, we're gonna have to make it a BYOB event-- Bring Your Own Bail money. I don't know how many briefcases full of cash I want to drive to SD with, you know?

Gi-- that's one good thing about baseball season... the Willy jokes are back!!