Perfectly understandable, Apple, and I admit you make a good point.

I hope I don't come off as a gushy, boy-crazy, teenage girl (Well, I am a teenage girl, but guys aren't all I think about...) on here, because after considering your comment and this entire thread, I worry that that's the image I'm sending out. To be honest, I don't ramble on about guys in "real life" like I do here - I'm quite the opposite, because I'm so shy - I guess I just use the BB as a place to let my other personality come out. I suppose it's true that people act differently on the Internet than they do off of it.

I can see what you mean about how it's probably not right to limit this thread simply to "the ladies." Several of the guys do stop by to comment, which I've never had a problem with, and they did make a "Fella's Thread." It hasn't had much success, but they gave it a whirl, and I was glad that there was the "balance" that was probably needed.

This has turned into more of an SB/Gina/Zia chat thread, anyway. We enjoy having general discussions (such as SB's pool), and we talk baseball when the season is in session. I suppose that could even be left to PMs, but we figure we're doing some kind of good by confining it to one thread.