SB, as gross as it sounds, treasure those moments with your dog...

I was just thinking a couple of days ago about the dog that we had for about 13 years, before she had to be put to sleep. I often think about her and recall many fond memories of her, but for the first time in a long while, I remembered how she would always stand at the front door and wait for someone to take her out, how she'd have to leave her "mark" all around the neighborhood, how she'd not be satisfied until she'd visited every house, and how I always had to hold her when a car went by for fear of her running out in the street, even though I never figured she really would. This whole routine was sort of a joke to my family about how much of a pain it was to do all of that with her, but I miss it so much now. I'm sure you already do cherish your pets - I can tell you're just as much of an animal lover as me - but I just thought I'd share that thought about my dog and how you even wind up missing the bad memories when you lose someone.