Wow, you lucked out big time... I'm so glad your contractors are good and fast! That's very cool. If they're really into all the design and turning out a nice piece of work, I bet it's going to look great. There's nothing better than a really nice pool... Quel surprise, hearing this from the L.A. girl. But it's true, it makes the whole property look nicer. Congrats on it, by the way. Post pictures once it's done!

Okay, here's a dumb question: do pools freeze in the winter, out there on the east coast? Because I mean if a lake would freeze... but maybe the filter moving the water keeps it from freezing? I dunno, cut me some slack, I can't even imagine freezing weather, let alone actually know anything about it.

And that's cool about your daughter's work... this is the one that "thank God she's pretty," right? But yeah, do post pictures, I'd love to see some of her stuff.