Sorry to laugh, SB, but that was a funny post. Not funny because I enjoy your suffering, but funny because I get in those exact same moods sometimes... like I hate everything around me all at once. And you're so right, like to top it all off, something like your bra being uncomfortable will just make everything worse, too. You just wanna get in your pj's and sleep it off, right? Like, wake me up when things get better. :p In your case, we'll wake you up when baseball starts.

You watched football though? Wow, that's pretty bad.

I'd never heard that theory of getting struck by lightning in an underwire bra... that's pretty interesting, not to mention hilarious. I'm imagining the whole scenario. A woman in an empty flat field, getting struck, and as she is brought to her knees, dying, her last words are, "Damn you, Victoria's Secret! Damn you!!!!" She might even shake her fist at the sky, to make it even more dramatic.

Some brands do make plastic underwires too though, have you seen those? I think actually, one of my Victoria's Secret ones might be like that. I know I have one like that, because it said so on the tag, but I just don't remember the brand. Come to think of it, I wonder if that's why they switched to plastic! Metal is just too much of a liability.