Okay, ladies...my new obsession....

Brian Setzer! *SWOON*

As y'all may have seen, I started a thread about him in general - I just got his new Christmas Extravaganza DVD, and I've probably watched it all the way through about four times now, and many bits and pieces. I love the music, but I now realize that I love Brian, too.

He used to perform with a band called Stray Cats when he was younger, and he looked very different but still so cute then . I'm more familiar with him being in his current band, the Brian Setzer Orchestra, however. My parents sort of introduced me to his music a while back, and I'm now reviving my interest.

Anyway, he is an amazing guitarist, great singer, and his band is incredible. Watching the DVD, however, gives me a chance to enjoy the physical aspects of this band, as well.

Brian puts on quite a show, making jokes between songs and strutting around the stage during the songs, and he is just such a cutie. Oh, and he looks so sexy when he smiles! He has a smile that just makes me melt!

There are also a couple of cuties in his band...I wish I had pictures!