Originally posted by Letizia B.:
My grandpa butchers complicated or foreign names too, and they all sound Italian when he's through with them, too.
How funny! My grandpa ends up "de-foreignizing" every name he hears. He calls Roy Oswalt (the "Os" pronounced like "toes") Oswald (the "Os" pronounced like "Oz.") He used to call Beltran "Bertran." It's hilarious, but embarassing.

I'm sure Nomar will be a nice addition for you. We sure haven't been trying very hard to acquire anyone. It worked out fine last season, though, so I'm going to trust them. Oh, and I guess it's better to end up at a party than stay for a Lakers loss, right?

Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:
And if we get Rocket back.... (Gina, did I actually say that out loud??).
:( I will be happy for him. I will.