Originally posted by ginaitaliangirl:
"Hey, Rog! Ah think ah lahst mah bahl.." He's such a Texan - and SO cute.
He sounds like his mouth is full or something. I love Texans, they're adorable.

So Gigi, you actually hear the accent and don't think it's just normal... so I'm assuming you don't have the same accent?

I always wonder why some people have an accent and others from the same place don't. I have cousins who were all born and raised in relatively the same area of New York, and some of them have major NY-sounding accents and some of them talk more like me. How does that work? SB, you're from there... do you know why some of you guys don't have the accent?

Wow, pretty off topic. But I'm curious. If anyone has any answers or similar observations, please confirm for me that I'm not crazy.