OK - no more jokes about Derek Jeter. Ladies' thread, ladies' rules... So before I get electroshocked for rule infringements, it is my understanding that I must post a male pic. So here is SB's Derek in one of the funnier skits in recent Saturday Night Live history. Enjoy!

As described on CNNSI.com

Date: Dec. 1, 2001
Site: NBC Studios, New York

Setting: Saturday Night Live host

The Play: As a ballplayer, Jeter is used to being on live television. But that's just it -- as a ballplayer. Jeter had to delve deep into his powers of clutchness to pull off a spotless appearance as host of Saturday Night Live, replete with opening monologue. The highlight was the skit "Baseball Wives," in which David Cone and David Wells (who played a pair of groupies) joined Jeter (as Candy Soriano) in full drag. Here's the best part, with Jeter making the punchline look as easy as a 6-3 putout:

Candy Soriano: God, I know I shouldn't say this, but I think Tino Martinez is super-foxy, girl!
Patrice Williams: I don't know ... his wife tells me there's not much to work with.
Shanice Clemens: Y'all, Tino is teeny!
Candy Soriano: I don't believe that, 'cause I've studied that bulge!
Patrice Williams: You know, Jeter is the cute one, Jeter is where it's at!
[ they all agree, except for Candy ]
Candy Soriano: Mmm... no... Jeter does not do it for me. He looks like the Rock had sex with a muppet.