Thanks, SB, but...

AGH! Sad loss tonight. You know, we scored our winning run last night against the Cards with Willy Taveras being sent home from first. The exact same set-up happened tonight, but with us behind 3-2, and our third base coach sent Gipson from first, but a perfect throw by Corey Patterson got the last out at home.

We've still got the magic number of two, and we're two ahead of Philly since they didn't play, but I hope we can buckle down and get it done. I'm sad that I'll miss the game tomorrow, because I have a football game for Band, but I'll have a radio, and I'll snatch anyone who has a cell phone for updates. We could clinch with a Philly loss and a win for us...I'd hate to miss it, but I'd be glad to have it! *praying*