Sicilian Babe, my daughter had a great time at the game last night. It was really a pitcher's dual last night. Of course, you know she was thrilled when Derek got the game winning RBI. She went with my brother in law, and I drive to work with my sister. She said my BIL said for all future games he's taking Nicole with him...hahaha. Her throat must be hoarse from all the screaming she did. My daughter and some other Yankee fans kept yelling "Go Yankees, go Yankees". My BIL just yelled back, "Yeah, go Yankees...the buses are waiting"..hahaha. My daughter text messaged a friend of hers to tell him she was at the game. Luck would have it he was at the game too...They're making plans to go to tonight's game too.

How about a little less questions and a lot more shut the hell up - Brian Griffin

When there's a will...put me in it.