Bethie, that is so sweet of you to say that. I wish I could give you a hug!

I wish I could be more involved in helping out, but my Band director has mentioned we might try to make a group donation to one of the organizations helping the victims, which I'd certainly like to do, and my parents were just talking today about donating our cots for the victims to sleep on - I guess they'd be used in the Astrodome, too. I agree with you...I think it's great the Dome can be used for such a worthy cause, and though small in the overall effort, it was such a comfort to see the nice cots and food available there for the people. My Band director has taken in several distant family members, as well, so she's given a hand, which I think is great. When we were talking about this in class, she mentioned we might be getting some new kids at our schools that were involved with Katrina. I don't know how we'd go about it, or how it'd work out, but I think it'd be wonderful if my family could take some victims in to actually live with us. It's just so weird and almost impossible to imagine what those people have gone through and will have to go through. It really makes me appreciate that I have food for every meal, a bathroom and shower, all of my belongings, my family safe and together, and just every small thing that we take for granted. It'll be a long recovery, but I hope and pray for the best.

Part - just give us a win, okay? How are we going to win the WC if y'all keep beating up on us?! :p I missed the game, today, so maybe they lost only 'cause I wasn't watching. Actually, I had to take my Astros wristband off after about two months of wearing it, so I think that really jinxed it.