I don't understand football hardly at all, either, but I'm learning. My mom knows a lot about it, so she was helping me.

No, not college football. It was a Houston Texans game, part of the NFL! I got great tickets, only because my uncle got them from his company, and it was so cool to see a game close-up. I was drooling over David Carr everytime he went by. I'd always heard girls talk about him, and he was supposed to be the cutie of the team, but everytime I saw a picture, I didn't think much of him. He's definitely attractive, no matter what, but I never really got into him. But seeing him live, in that tight football uniform and with that dark hair...that did it.

Here's a better picture:

With baseball being my true love, I'll always go for a man in a baseball uniform, but guys in football gear sure come a close second! Wowee!

By the way, Zia, I'm not sure how much I talked about him before you left, but as you can now see, Willy Taveras is my number one hottie. All us gals got our man's pictures for our avatars, and I chose Willy, so maybe you'd like to consider someone for yours? All the fantasy gamers make fun of "my willy," because of the obvious joke possibilities, but I'm crazy about him.