Originally posted by Debz:
I am always really organised at the beginning of the year and towards the middle it begins to slip!
I'm the exact same, so I don't think I'll last too long. Wow! I don't see how you handle all of that! You'll be my role model whenever I'm feeling stressed out with my schedule! I took my driving lessons last summer, so that helped - I'd like to get a part time job, but I probably need to time it according to my Band schedule. Hmm..what I want to do after school? I've changed so many times through the years, and most recently, it's been a psychologist. I know it'd surely be a lot of schooling, but I've always taken an interest in "mind stuff," dealing with people's emotions and personalities. However, lately, I've been considering some kind of job as a sports analyst/writer/reporter, preferably for baseball, just because I love the sport so much and it'd give me a chance to have my job focus on something I truly enjoy. And you?

I think I might finally become a football fan, now. I was able to go to the Texans game tonight, and it was really amazing. I know almost nothing about the sport, so I felt like an idiot, but I learned some, and it was really fun to watch. It'd certainly keep me busy during the baseball offseason! And, no matter how much I know about football, there's always David Carr to keep me entertained. I never really thought he was that cute before, but now...I've seen the light. Whew.