Yeah I know Go us School Kids!! I can tell from the first 3 days there is going to be a whole lot of it, which I am dreading because I can NEVER get motivated to do it !! Sounds like you’ve got your History stuff pretty well organised though…I wonder how long it will last though! I am always really organised at the beginning of the year and towards the middle it begins to slip! Sounds like you’ve got a really busy schedule, but your classes sound cool I wish I had taken History instead of Geography . This year I am going to be really busy as I am sitting English, Accounting, Art & Design, Geography and Travel & Tourism. Along with all that I have part time work 2 nights a week and one morning or afternoon at the weekend. I will also be starting my driving lessons so I will have one hour lesson a week and I am still hoping to squeeze in an hour at the gym 2 nights a week!! I don’t know how much more of this I can take!! Do you have any idea of what you want to go on to do once you leave school??
