I've actually been bad when it comes to going to baseball games. I went to the one Nationals game this year. Other then that I went to an Orioles game about 11 years ago. When I was younger, and The Orioles didn't suck, it was a ritual for my family to go to games. There used to be a thing called Junior Orioles where kids would get a packaged deal to go to about 4 games a year. You got your ticket, plus coupons for food. They were usually bleacher seats, but you could actually afford to go to games. That's also when it was at Memorial Stadium. I miss that place. It had a family feel to it. Not like Camden Yards which gear more to the big shots.

Now if The Nats make it to the wildcare race.....I'll be seeing what I can do to score me some tickets.

How about a little less questions and a lot more shut the hell up - Brian Griffin

When there's a will...put me in it.