It's lovely when everyone's teams win. The Nats won today..woo hoo. Although I always have to wait to find out the scores on ESPN. I'm just glad with them playing at Coors field that they were the ones with the big bats and not The Rockies. I wonder how Vinny felt going back to his old stopping grounds. At least his teammates got a win for him. So I'm sure he was happy.

I watched the pathetic O's game on tv just to see how they would react to Raffy's first at bat since he's been back. He got both cheers and boos. I think it was 50/50. How ironic that he was the last batter in the bottom of the 9th with 2 outs and runners on and he could have tied it up. Of course he got an out. If he would have won the game I'm sure all would have been forgiven. Baltimore is such a fickle town. :rolleyes:

My daughter went to the game Friday, I was hoping she would see if Raffy played and how the crowd would react. She actually hates The Orioles worse then I do. She's a Yankee fan. She only went because a friend of her's was paying and she would drink for free. I just reminded her she's only 20 and if she gets caught I want no phone calls. At least it wasn't 200 degrees out that night.

How about a little less questions and a lot more shut the hell up - Brian Griffin

When there's a will...put me in it.