I finally came across someone else who loves Willy Taveras. And now I'm extremely jealous. A girl came to my web page last night and commented, talking about how much she loves the Astros and how she does the same kind of things that I do, such as taking pictures and video of the guys off the TV. I went to her page, and I think she's got me beat on being a fan. She's crazy about Brandon Backe, Brad Ausmus, Morgan Ensberg - ones that most girls already like - but then I see that she loves Willy, too. She had pictures of him that were definitely "stalker-distance" and I could've cried at the thought of her being so close! One was where he was signing, and I've never seen him signing. Another was the fan thing, and he was in "regular" clothes, and he looked so cute.

I think I might post some of them here...I don't think she'd mind.

*sigh* Someday I'll get this close, I hope.