I guess they just like seeing pictures of "our" men... Not that there's anything wrong with that... :p
Morgan Ensberg is now an All-Star! Apparently Scott Rolen backed out at the last minute, and Tony LaRussa chose Big Mo as the replacement! Everyone felt he was completely snubbed for not being chosen, so I'm really happy he's getting to play, now.
Gals, I mentioned that I was going to watch the replay of last night's game to try to catch whatever happened at the end that I missed. Well, I caught the replay, and taped it, feeling it would be something I'd want on video. Anyway, it'll probably show up on MLB.com as a highlight, soon, anyway, but I actually recorded it with a camera off of my TV so I could show it here... ), and it was just amazing. Note Willy T's cute smile! (Sorry for the bad quality, but at least y'all can see it, I guess...)
