Originally posted by Letizia B.:
[quote]Originally posted by ginaitaliangirl:
[b]I've always wondered where/why the Flopsie/Mopsie thing started... I know it's a joke, but I never understood who/what begin it.
Let BDD explain that one, he has the most fun with it. [/b][/quote]So the Mopsie and Flopsie saga ... Well you have seen the BB version of it. PL in a PM gave me the sordid details of which I cannot fully explain to you as you still under the age of legal consent. So the short 'clean' version is that while on a 'business trip' to Vegas PL was scheduled to have dinner with La Dolce Vita. She had been looking to get together with him for dinner since she owed him two from previous baseball bets. Her friend Crabby told me later that she believe LDV lost the bet on purpose but that has never been confirmed. Anyway LDV stands PL up for an opportunity to go hmm 'horse back riding' and PL was left to fend for himself in the city that never sleeps. He describes that story as a coming of age for a young man. Most of us giggle at the young man part but that is not the point. He meets these two ladies at night, guess you could call them ladies of the night and the rest is hmmm for mature audiences only. A few lines of dialog from the PM that I could probably post are;

PL - Maybe later I'll show why I'm the Fantasy King

Mopsie - Me Love You Long Time ...

Flopsie - You want happy ending - that will cost extra ...

I believe you can fill in the gaps - remember though what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas so we only get snippets of the actual story.

Hope this helps .... :p