It wasn't the baseball thread, it was fantasy football. Here's a couple of the posts.
You know with a big game this week between Scuffy and PL - Scruffy wanted to learn about her opponent this week as much as possible so she reached out to PL's GF to gather information. Since this was Halloween PLs GF shared with Scruffy some pics of PL the last few Halloweens - Scruffy sent them to me a PM - she didn't say don't share, so I guess this is OK.

PL as BatMan

PL as SuperMan

PL as a Bear - aww isn't he cute.

Below is one when PL and his GF went as the Sandy and Danny from Grease

and finally PL sent me this one - I believe it was from his last Vegas trip

Seacrest - OUT !

Posts: 1311 | Registered: Jan 2002 | IP: Logged |

Thanks for posting the Vegas picture, BD. It brought back a flood of happy memories.

I was playing blackjack at the same table with these two lovelies, and doing rather well. They decided to follow my bets, and before you knew it, all three of us had won a tidy little sum.

It seems that these two were in town for a bachelorette party, so they invited me up to their suite to meet their friends (that's where the photo was taken).

We partied for a while, but I wanted to go down to the sportsbook to place a bet on a game that was about to start. Naturally Flopsie and Mopsie (those were their names - I swear) wanted to come with me.

So, with one on either arm, we went back downstairs. When they saw me placing a bet, Flopsie asked me if I could give her a "Hot Tip".

I thought that she meant that she wanted me to suggest a team for her to bet on, so I said "Well, Arizona looks good tonight with The Big Unit pitching."

But Mopsie said "That's not the kind of 'hot tip' we had in mind. But we are interested in seeing what your 'Big Unit' can do"

Well, it took me a moment but I finally got their drift. So, back upstairs we went, only this time to my room.

Since this is a family show, I really can't go into the details of what we did next. But the old saying "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" is certainly applicable here.

I can tell you that Flopsie and Mopsie left my room several hours later, though. I was a little worn out, so I stayed behind to take a nap.

Strangely enough I just heard from Flopsie a few weeks ago. Another one of their friends is getting married in Las Vegas, and they were wondering if I was gonna be in town.

We chatted for a while, and she kept saying how I reminded her of a character she saw in a movie once. She didn't remember the name of the film, but she was able to kind of describe the scene....

Something about two brothers and a bunch of Senators or something in a night club in Cuba in the late 1950's. She said that a guy comes out on stage in the club that everyone calls "Superman", and that's who I reminded her of.

I kept asking her "Why", but all she did was giggle and say "You know."

Maybe you can help me out with the name of the movie she was referring to?

How about a little less questions and a lot more shut the hell up - Brian Griffin

When there's a will...put me in it.