Originally posted by Beth E:
Vlad shot out the moon...but A Rod got his Diet Pepsi.
Yeah, I thought that was cute.

Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:
Well, the Yankees were tied with the Mets 1-1 until a minute ago, when the Mets scored 3 runs in the top of the 7th. Well, they have two innings to come back.
You're going to be so proud of me! I've watched nearly their entire game tonight! I was at my grandparents' house helping my grandma organize her photos, so we had the TV on, and my grandpa had it on ESPN right when the game was starting, so I decided to watch it. I don't get too many Yankees games (unless I'm missing them all?), so it was nice to watch any one, but it being up against the Mets made it even better! My grandparents aren't exactly fans of the Yanks (sorry!), but just talking to you has given me a soft spot for them now. I got to see Beltran do nothing at the plate and throw home after a run scored instead of throwing to the cut-off man, so that made my day. Also, I saw a couple of posters for Jeter's BD, as well as Jeter himself (and A-Rod!) which was quite a treat... By the way...what do you think of Joe Morgan as an announcer? Honestly...he drives me nuts. ) chick flicks, but this kind of chick flick I just adore. Tom Hanks as Joe Fox is just the best man you could meet. Well (hopefully not giving away too much), he's mean at first, but he becomes just the perfect guy. And I love when The Godfather is mentioned through this movie. I like Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks coupled up in Sleepless in Seattle, as well, but I think this is my favorite of the two. And I can't help it, but I always cry (or come near crying) at the end. I'm such a chick. Anywho, nothing to do with sports, but have any of you seen this movie?

Edit: And they did it! Congrats, SB!