Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:
I loved the little kid who kept making the annoying PeeWee Herman noises!!
"A falsetto child?"

Sorry, I know that movie verbatim!

As for the YankMe's - my daughter who is 13 - has defied her mother (that's me, in case you are slow ) and is a YankMe fan. You have to understand I am National League specifically Dodger Blue all the way. To have an AL fan in the family is just like..unnatural.

So last year I tested her to see if she was a true fan or just on the bandwagon that all the kids around here seem to be on.

I asked her to name 5 players and 3 pitchers ACTIVELY on the roster.

She came up with Jeter, Pussada, Giambi, Sheff and A-Rod of course.

Pitchers she said Kevin Brown (she knew to say this as her Mom was a Dodger fan), Rivera and oh yeah "that guy you like Mom, the Moose!"

That's my girl! We even watched Stump the Schwab together last night after the Spurs game.

Her dad can be so proud she gets all her sports love and exposure from her mom!

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....