haha!! That is Frank when he was a wee pup? When I first saw him he had the old-man-porn-moustache. Seriously he has to be well over the half century mark now Needless to say not on my list. I think I dumped him for Tom Cruise after I saw Risky Business! Hey! I was a kid!

Noone here calls me Roxanne. That is my real name, that would be WEIRD and no fun! My email address is Ni9erbuff65@---after my beloved 49ers. I have played fantasy football for about 9 years, and baseball about 5. My name has always been a derivative of my email address like BuffySanFran or what ever. People here on the board AND the people I work with that I play with just have always called me Buffy.

And you thought it was Buffy from Family Affair, with a Mrs. Beasley doll?

Wait, before your time.

Vampire slayer, right?

Seriously? I answer to just about anything....

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....