Zia, your boyfriend needs to understand that you have to maintain relationships with two men...and you love Manu.

Originally posted by Letizia B.:
Btw, your congrats to Manu on being so hot was hilarious!! Hey, why not congratulate him? He does it so well.
Exactly! Good lord, this was one of the best games I've seen for good shots of him. Everytime it'd go to a commercial, I'd get up to go do something. But when the announcers are still talking, and they've got the score at the bottom right before it goes to commercial, they get the camera on all the various players; I'd see Manu and just stand in the doorway watching him in a daze... And I took special notice of his hair two times during the game, once where I actually thought to myself, "Man, it's not even sweaty, yet. " and again where I noticed it beautifully flowing as he ran, and then could hardly concentrate on the game.

It was a great game regardless, though, and I enjoyed watching it. I was screaming and cheering on the especially exciting shots, too. Around the third quarter, I'd developed a habit of sitting in one particular spot on my bed, with the door closed, in the exact same position. I'm a little superstitious...

The post-game stuff was cool, and it was good to see everyone's reactions. I thought it was sweet that Pop went over and hugged Larry Brown before anybody. And then when Manu hugged Pop, he lifted him up! Tim Duncan is just such a nice guy. And I think I might be developing a thing for Big Shot Rob. He's a cutie!